Register by 23rd February and SAVE!!!
Earlybird fee per player is $295 ($365 after Feb 23rd) – this includes the $55 fee payable to Southern Metro Junior Football League (SMJFL).
Siblings enjoy a 25% discount on the early bird fee or the regular fee.
All returning players will enjoy the following benefits of playing at SBMT:
● Modern and well-equipped club facilities at Brindisi St, Mentone
● Qualified, AFL registered Coaches and Assistant Coaches
● Extensive coaching and training programs
● Platinum level medical insurance, coverage above SMJFL requirements
● Team photos, Tiger Talk evenings and weekly player awards.
● Extensive support from our local sponsorship partners
● Clear pathways to Senior Men’s and Women’s football
Like in 2023, all registrations will be completed using the PlayHQ platform and includes online payment.
Player registrations at SBMT are subject to your acceptance of our Code of Conduct for players and parents. You should take the time to read and understand the updated SBMT Code of Conduct before registering.
Transfers for players keen to join SBMT from other football clubs open on 1 February, click here for more information on the transfer process.
If you have any questions, please email our SBMT Junior Football Registrar, Jules Oudshoorn at
Let’s ROAR in 2024!
P.S. Keep up to date with everything happening at SBMT! Follow us on Instagram @sbmttigers or Facebook (search St Bedes/Mentone Tigers AFC)