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Tigers Football Academy

The aim of the Academy is to progressively develop our players (both personally and technically) in a safe, nurturing and inclusive learning environment. The Academy provides extra curriculum learning opportunities for our boys and girls that are designed to enhance engagement, skill acquisition, confidence, well-being and leadership. In season 2024, the Tiger Academy will focus on a range of tailored activities comprising school holiday football clinics, leadership and well-being sessions, tailored video and stats solutions to help visual learners and enhance alignment to coaching curriculum. Tigers Football Academy is proudly sponsored by Key Property Negotiators.


What is the TFA?

The Tigers Football Academy is an integral part of the junior development pathway of the St Bedes/Mentone Tigers Amateur Football Club.

Why was the TFA established?

The TFA was established with 4 key objectives in mind:

  • To provide all SBMT junior players with the opportunity to access affordable, extra curriculum learning, in the focus areas of personal & football development.
  • To enable the club to better connect with its players and learn more about their specific personal & football development needs. This deeper insight will enable the club to enhance player preparation & management during transition from junior, youth and senior years.
  • To provide additional resources for SBMT coaches to keep learning and by doing so, enhance the teaching environment for players under their care.
  • Provide the SBMT with an integrated & enhanced process for SMJFL team and individual player grading requirements & St Kilda FC NGA nomination process.

Can any registered player of SBMT be a member of the TFA?

Yes, any registered SBMT junior player can become a member of the TFA.

What types of sessions will be run by the TFA for its members?

Throughout the year, the TFA will hold leadership, mental health & well being sessions, school holiday football clinics, accelerator sessions, tailored kicking & skills sessions and visual learning/game review sessions (with customized game footage & statistics for each member aged 14 and over).

What is the cost of TFA membership?

$65 annual membership (for players aged 14 to 18)

Who is responsible for the management of the TFA and its coaches?

The TFA will be managed by the SBMT Director of Football (Juniors) with the support of the club’s panel of coaches and external football consultants with expertise in required teaching disciplines. All TFA consultants will be aligned to & will champion SBMT club’s values and curriculum principles.

When will the TFA sessions be held?

Because the TFA is an internal part of the SBMT AFC, we can better co-ordinate events to more effectively manage player time and load. The sessions will be held during pre-season, in season and school holiday periods.