The ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS AFC understands and accepts it has a duty of care to provide a safe and healthy environment, free of illegal drugs. This policy reflects a commitment by the club to the health, safety and welfare of all its members.
This policy has been approved by the Board & Committee at its meeting of the 9th of August 2019.
The ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS AFC is committed to:
- Encouraging and assisting members to realise their full potential within an environment that actively promotes their health, safety and well-being
- Preventing alcohol and other drug related harm to individuals, property and the reputation of the club
- Ensuring a supportive and inclusive environment for all members
- Providing support to members who wish to address their patterns of alcohol and/or illegal drug use
- Meeting legal requirements in relation to alcohol and illegal drugs
- Encouraging moderation and a responsible attitude to the consumption of alcohol
The purpose of this policy is to ensure club members understand the club’s position regarding illegal drugs and explain how the club will respond to a drug-related incident within its jurisdiction.
Illegal drugs
Illegal drugs are used by many people in the community, including young adults, so it is likely that some members of our club will have access to them. Currently there are two distinct but related illegal drug issues confronting sporting clubs:
- performance enhancing drugs
- illegal drugs used for social purposes (e.g. at parties, raves, in the home, at the club, etc).
These two categories are not mutually exclusive. Some illegal drugs used for social purposes (such as amphetamines, e.g. speed) may be used to enhance sporting performance.
Club jurisdiction
The Club jurisdiction extends to the club premises and all activities organised by or for the club at any location or venue.
This policy applies to all members, employees, supporters and visitors of the ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS AFC. Members and employees should ensure they do not attend the club if adversely affected by illegal drugs and/or alcohol.
Club confidant
The Club will designate an appropriate individual to act as the ‘Club confidant’. This person may, but does not have to be the Club President or another office bearer and will be responsible for the management of all illegal drug related incidents.
The Club will support this person to carry out their duties whenever required.
Illegal Drug Use
The possession, use, distribution or selling of illegal drugs for any purposes on club premises or at any function or activity organised by the club is prohibited.
- In the case of an incident involving an illegal drug, the initial actions and responses will focus on the safety and welfare of those directly and indirectly involved. All responses and actions will reflect the club’s duty of care to members, visitors and all other people.
- The club will investigate all apparent or alleged breaches of this policy and determine a course of action after all relevant facts and circumstances are known.
- The club may refer a member who is involved in illegal drug use to a medical or health service for assistance or, if the club deems it necessary in the circumstances, to the police.
Managing illegal drug incidents
Where a club member becomes aware that illegal drug use is occurring at the club or within its jurisdiction, the member should pass on this information to the President and/or Club confidant. Should the need arise, the Club will sanction the individual(s) in line with the club’s rules and policies.
The Club confidant will;
- Speak to the individual(s) in private, expressing concern about their drug use
- Remind the individual(s) of the club policy and asked for a commitment that it will not happen again
- Offer options for support and referral for counselling or other help
- Leave the door open for further communication with the individual(s) concerned.
- Inform the Club President in the event of non-compliance
- If an individual(s) is under the influence of a legal or illegal drug at the club, the club will;
- Ensure the health and safety of the individual(s)
- Keep the individual under supervision and monitor them at regular intervals
- Call for medical assistance if required.
- Arrange safe transport to take them home, unless this involves further risk.
- Take control of any remaining drugs in their possession, unless this involves further risk.
- If the person becomes violent or aggressive, contact police to ensure the safety of all.
- Inform the Club President (and Club confidant) as soon as possible.