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The Club will be conducting a formal celebration and induction of new members into the Hall of Fame as part of its 120th year football celebration on Saturday 29th June.
The club is seeking possible nominations for consideration for the Hall Of Fame. Please note nomination will close 5pm Monday 13th May. Written nominations, with some background material supporting the nominee, may be submitted to
Brett Marchant 
Simon Richards 

Subject to the criteria, anyone may be nominated to be a member of the Hall of Fame. Persons, either alive or deceased, may be nominated by a group or by individuals, or nominations may be made by the nominee themselves. Nominators may be anonymous, and persons do not need to be a member of the club in order to submit a nomination. However, the more complete the information provided, the easier it will be for the Hall of Fame Sub-committee to check information and finalize their deliberations. Persons only need to be nominated once, but extra supporting or supplementary information concerning the nominee may be submitted in subsequent years by the initial nominator or other persons. It is understood that all information and material provided by nominators may be used for the purpose of publicising and promoting the Hall of Fame. Nominations must be submitted to a member of the Hall of Fame Sub-committee, or via , in written form, either electronically or by means of a typed or hand-written note. Nominations by telephone will not be accepted. The nomination must include the following information:

  • Full name of person being nominated
  • Name of nominator and contact details (optional)
  • Category of nomination (either ‘Length of Service’, ‘Significant Achievement’, or ‘Both’)
  • Criteria satisfied (ie., precise number of games, or exact years of service, if known)
  • Other information (ie., a brief summary of information or achievements that should be taken into consideration, such as trophies awarded by the club, participation in finals or premierships, personal anecdotes or relevant biographical information. The availability of any personal memorabilia such as photographs or medallions that could be used for future display or publication purposes should also be noted.

The availability of any personal memorabilia such as photographs or medallions that could be used for future display or publication purposes should also be noted.