Last Sunday Night the seniors put on a great performance in cooking & serving up all those delicious free sausages supplied by our Club. Past President, Dale & Current President, Matt were both there displaying their skills on the bar-b-que. It was also great to see our Senior Coach Luke Beveridge, give up even more of his time to address our Junior Players & Parents. A job well done! The Box of Tiger Milk was taken home by Wendy Garside, Again! Umpire Chris will be enjoying the Red Wine, while Big Kev & Moose McCraw both did not feel they needed a hair cut so the Clear Cut Hair Voucher will be taken to the task by Damian Harriss.( actually, Big Kev & Moose did look like they had had recent trims.) Well third time lucky! This Sunday we WILL be having Bacon & Egg Rolls if it kills me. I have been threaten by the Under 17s Team to let them finally perform their awaited talents. They have been waiting on the inter change bench long enough & are ready, willing & able to get on with their Feast.( My last reports were that a group of Under 17 Players were seen dragging a “ Squealing Pig “ towards the Great Mentone Reserve Club Rooms.) So get down to Your Club this Sunday Night & sample some of this Fresh Bacon & see some of our Under 17s, they really do exist you know!