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George Alexander Perpetual Trophy  –  Best Club Person

The Best Club Person trophy was struck in George Alexander’s honour to commemorate his outstanding personal values.


George had been President of the St. Bedes Old Collegians FC for five years, when he died suddenly at the age of 35 in 1978.

Interestingly George’s first association with local football came through his friendship with Dave Evans who played with the Mentone Football Club before transferring to the Old Collegians. George who had studied pharmacy with David Evans and Dave Price, another St Bede’s player, owned a Pharmacy in Brunswick. He was not an Old Collegian and yet travelled to and from Beda Park to support the Beda’s.

During his year’s as President, George made everyone feel equal regardless of their ability on the field. He was genuine, he loved life, he loved people. George was also extremely generous in his financial support and worked tirelessly for the success of the club.  The photo was taken in 1970 after the St Bedes O.C.F.C won the premiership.  George stands to the far left of the photo which also includes great club members in Gerry Shannon  and David Evans.

The Best Club Person trophy could not honour a better person.

Recipients George Alexander Perpetual Trophy

1968  Kevin Cotter 1969  Kevin Cotter 1970  Kevin Cotter
1971 Paul Hulett 1972  Peter O’Brien 1973  P Stanes
1974  John Plumridge 1975  Paul Hulett 1976  Des Bayliss
1977  Mick Callaghan 1978  Jack Hand 1978  Norma Hand
1979  Robert Mulavin 1980  Richard Dankert 1981  Greg Kelly
1982  Craig Parks 1983  Greg Kelly 1984  Dale Collins
1985  Gerry Mulcahy 1986  Mona Collins 1987  Jock Elmore
1988  Gerry Shannon 1989  Andrew Whitelaw 1990 Bernie Beasley
1991  Bill Dunstan 1992  Matthew Beasley 1993  Peter Corboy
1994  Betty Edwards 1995  Chris Meyer 1996  Bill Dunstan
1996  Matthew Beasley 1997  Peter Kerr 1998  Mark Jones
1999  Darren Fisher 2000  Tim Beasley 2000  Peter Lannan
2001  Mark Tyquin 2002  Matthew Beasley 2002  Francis Barr
2003  Steve Zagami 2004  David Cormie 2005  Gerard Ryan
2006  Kevin Lynch 2007  TBE 2008  TBE
2009  TBE 2010  Phil Vawdrey 2011  Jenna Ross
2011  Sharan Talbot 2012  Peter Davis 2013  TBE
2014  Fiona Lawrence 2015   Tom Brain 2016  Katrina Wieringa
2017  Merv Kane 2018 John Meyer 2019  Glenn Goodchild
2019  Carolyn Goodchild